Monday, August 4, 2014

Can you smell what The Rock is cooking? Cuz it's cookies!

Sorry… I really just wanted to hide away into my own little world to have some Me time. But I'm back.

My guilty non-girly thing to watch on TV has aways been wrestling… WWE (or as I have known it / for you 90s kids… WWF) wrestling. My youngest cousin discovered WWE about 2, 3 years ago… and wished he grew up watching the Attitude Era (re-watching those matches for me is nostalgic while little funny), because the new stuff is kind tamed. And I digress… I was going through Amazon, and I found the WWE: Can You Take The Heat Cookbook and I added into the shopping cart after my little cousin was egging me to get it. Something happened and I never bought it. Then one day, my mother had to buy something off Amazon, so I helped her make the purchase. I totally forgot that I had the cookbook in the shopping cart, and all after I clicked the "purchase" button and checked my email… I then realized I had just bought the book. Face-palm moment, but so funny. The book is full of the Attitude Era puns and sass, and fairly easy to super easy recipes. Great book to get your little wrestler to help out on making dinner, lunch, and/or dessert.

After receiving the book, I gave it to my youngest cousin and told him "This summer, I want to teach you to cook using this… we have to at least try a few recipes." He approved, and we had to pick my favorite hunky wrestler with the sexy eyebrow and mutton-chops (so sad he shaved that all off)… oh yes… The Rock… with The Rock's Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie. The recipe… I didn't change anything from it, other than that… I didn't add nuts. Instead of the recommended Hershey chocolate bar that the cookbook calls for, I used Ghirardelli semi-sweet baking bars… which I had my youngest cousin painstakingly shave one bar all by hand, by himself. He hated me for that, but enjoyed the end result. The cookies came out crispy, chocolatey, and delicious. Since I didn't change anything from the original recipe other than the chocolate used, I'm just going to post my scan of the original recipe here.

Please click for better viewing.

This is how our cookies turned out. Want some?

If you like the recipe, and is interested in the cookbook, please click here or the link that I put earlier in the post (which is the same link) to purchase the book. Haha! Total lazy post, I'll do one better next time. Enjoy everyone!